I have a function that is checking a 2D array for None objects. Sort of like a board game with empty slots(except they contain None). I created the array with None at each spot. When I test if it contains None, it says nope.
I understand it is better to use is and is not rather than == and != . I've heard that None objects can be treated as False in weird cases.
Here is a code snippet:
def set_inhabitants(self,locXY,obj,force=False):
x = locXY[0]
y = locXY[1]
print('The spot contains',self._data[x][y] )
print('The item here is None? ', end='')
print (self._data[x][y] is None)
#Spot is empty
if self._data[x][y] is None:
self._data[x][y] = obj
#Spot is full
elif self._data[x][y] is not None and force == False:
print(locXY, 'Spot is not None. Doing Nothing')
elif self._data[x][y] is not None and force == True:
self._data[x][y] = obj
b = Board(2,2)
b.set_inhabitants( (1,1),'A', force=False)
print( b.print_array())
## Board Data Begin ##
[None] [None]
[None] [None]
## Board Data End ##
The spot contains [None]
The item here is None? False
(1, 1) Spot is not None. Doing Nothing
## Board Data Begin ##
[None] [None]
[None] [None]